Dr. Mark Kolich is the very best. I am 67 years of age. I was referred to Ortho Neuro by two DO's in the city I live in. It is a two-hour ride to Columbus for me. I made the call. I asked for the best knee doctor at Ortho Neuro. The response was a slight chuckle followed by, "All of our doctors are very equally skilled". Of the options, I picked Dr. Kolich and I am so fortunate and grateful, I did.
I went from gradually declining in my physical activities, to finding it very difficult to get motivated because of pain in both knees. I met with Dr. Kolich, he took Xrays and with total confidence and easily understood explanation scheduled the, worst knee first, with plans to do the total arthroplasty of the second knee 6-8 weeks later. In 7 weeks the second knee was done. The first knee was totally strong enough to handle it.
In both cases the physical therapist at FSPT, the first day after each surgery, commented about the minimal swelling, really good flexibility and after the dressings were removed, how good the incisions looked. They asked where I had this done. With pride I responded, Dr. Mark Kolich at Ortho Neuro in Columbus."
Any and every conversation I have with anyone about knees, Dr. Kolich and FSPT are highly praised and recommended.
Within 4 months I was hunting turkey, hiking, riding 4 wheelers, launching and loading my boat for fishing, alone. Also walking 3 miles a day and vigorously riding an exercise bike for an hour.
Allison is soooo easy to work with and the staff at Pickering Surgery Center are a pleasure to have cared for me.