Ralph J. Napolitano Jr., DPM, CWSP, FACFAS
Podiatrist & Wound Care Specialist
We offer state-of-the-art laser services for nail fungus, warts, and scars to keep your feet looking their best. In addition, we offer Keryflex nail restoration for damaged and diseased nails.
Until now, the traditional approaches to nail fungus treatment have been limited to oral drugs that are associated with adverse side effects, sometimes severe, and prescription topicals and home remedies that by themselves have not proven to be effective.
OrthoNeuro is proud to offer a scientifically proven state-of-the-art laser treatment for nail fungus that puts patients’ safety and comfort first.
Laser treatment for nail fungus, which has been FDA cleared now for a couple of years, is on the fast track to as the “gold standard.”
This procedure is non-invasive and takes about a half-hour to complete. OrthoNeuro’s laser is the American-made, industry-leading, “best in class” Cutera GenesisPlus.
Not only do we successfully treat nail fungus at our Laser Center, but we also perform laser treatment for painful warts and unsightly, thick scars.
Half of all Americans are infected with toenail fungus by the age of 70. It’s caused by several common types of microscopic fungal organisms that are everywhere in our environment.
Signs and symptoms of nail fungus infection, known as onychomycosis, include:
Left untreated, nail fungus may cause your nails to be permanently deformed. This is of special concern for people with diabetes, circulatory problems, or immune disorders.
Nail fungus infection is both a medical and cosmetic condition that can have a serious impact on the quality of life. Infected toenails may cause pain while walking and engaging in more rigorous activity.
The cosmetic symptoms can cause an embarrassing social stigma that can inhibit routine activities, such as wearing sandals, going swimming, or taking off shoes and socks in the company of others.
Traditional approaches to nail fungus are largely limited to oral drugs that are associated with adverse side effects, sometimes severe, and prescription topicals and home remedies that by themselves have not proven to be effective.
OrthoNeuro is proud to offer a scientifically proven state-of-the-art laser treatment for nail fungus that puts patients’ safety and comfort first.
The laser system precisely delivers light energy to the nail and surrounding tissues destroying the fungus and promoting the growth of healthy, clear nails.
Following the procedure, the nail becomes clearer and healthier-looking as it grows out. This painless procedure is noninvasive, has no harmful side effects, and takes about a half-hour to complete.
We encourage you to visit our office for a consultation. The procedure will be discussed and you will be evaluated as a potential candidate for laser nail fungus treatment.
The Laser Center at OrthoNeuro offers a comprehensive laser treatment program for nail fungus supported by the latest clinical data.
Warts are painful, unsightly viral infections of the skin. Warts may be flat, raised, round, or irregular in shape. They can infect virtually any area of your body.
One common area that warts infect is the soles of the feet (plantar warts). Laser treatment for warts is a well-established, safe, and effective option that we are pleased to now offer at our laser center.
For simple, solitary warts, one laser treatment is usually all that is required.
Within 2 to 3 days, the treated wart darkens forming a scab that may open slightly while healing. In 2 to 3 weeks, healthy skin replaces the treated skin signifying that the virus has been eliminated.
Laser treatment for scars is a painless, fast option to reduce scar thickness and discoloration.
The number of treatments required depends on a few factors including the patient’s skin type and type of scar.
Usually, 2 to 4 treatments are necessary for optimal results.
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Napolitano to discuss laser treatment options for your scar problem.
Keryflex Nail Restoration System is a new technique that improves the appearance of nails damaged by fungus and other conditions.
Keryflex uses polymer resins and special activators to create a durable, yet flexible artificial nail when exposed to a certain frequency of ultraviolet light.
The podiatrist first removes most of the damaged nail using a special nail clipper and file or Dremel.
After the old, damaged nail has been removed the podiatrist will begin the process of restoring the appearance of the nail.
First, the bonding agent is applied to the remnant of your natural nail to attach the new nail.
Next, Keryflex Resin is modeled to your nail bed and cured with a special frequency of ultraviolet light for two minutes. The new nail is then further shaped as necessary.
When the podiatrist completes the procedure, you will leave the office with a natural-looking nail.
No change in activities is required with Keryflex nails. Nail polish and remover can be applied without affecting the new nail.
If you have nail fungus, warts, or scars, schedule an appointment with our Board Certified Podiatrist.
Best of all, most patients can be seen within 24 hours of making an appointment.
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